The Certified Energy Coach Program has trained over a thousand Energy Coaches in private practice and corporate settings. The following are a very short list of Energy Coaches Certified by our Program, who have requested public listing. We provide this information as a resource for the community to connect to the wonderful and permanent life-transformations of Energy Coaching. You can be assured that any Coach we list here has been trained to the highest standard to use energy modification modalities in a “Coach approach” with clients, and is well-versed in providing client change both over the phone and in person. These wonderful people represent the finest of practitioners in their areas of expertise and can beautifully coach you through the trials of business and transitions of life. The Certified Energy Coach® adheres to our CEC Ethical Code.
Barbara Beatson, Certified Energy Coach
I help you understand your natural cycles and how to use energy positively in your life. I teach Astrology and combine this with Energy Coaching. You can reach me by email at: whisperquick (at)
Dena McFarland, M.NLP, Certified Energy Coach, Master Results Coach
Breakthrough coaching using mind-body methods to change inner maps and rechannel energy. Release the past, enhance treatment of medical conditions, restructure strategies and beliefs, create a compelling future. 650-906-5168 or Email: Denamc (at) or through my website:
Sarah O’Doherty, M.Ed., EFT-ADV, Certified Energy Coach
Specializing in working with Highly Sensitive Persons (Elaine Aron) and coaching those with learning challenges (ADD, reading and memory difficulties, test anxiety) Individual sessions, workshops and teleclasses. Call Sarah at: 215-764-6368, email: or visit:
Paula Rosario, Certified Energy Coach
I am a working mom and my passion lies in energy healing modalities and combining this knowledge with inspiration and intuition to help working moms like myself, and the families who are dealing with a child with chronic illness to cope and thrive. You can reach me at my Email:
Kim Ruch-Alegant, JD, Certified Energy Coach
I work with people who have trouble achieving their goals to become successful, whether personally or professionally, using EFT, ETHOS and other energy methods. I particularly enjoy working with women who lack confidence and working mothers who are dealing with guilt. Call: 215-357-6474 or visit:
Carole Seaver, MA, D.CEP, Certified Energy Coach
Carole uses Energy Coaching to help you to release harmful patterns from your body, mind, and spirit and replace them with life-enhancing new ones so you can live the life you truly want to live. Call Carole at: 908-278-2729, email: or visit:
Linda Taylor, CMT, Certified Energy Coach
Law of Attraction Teaching Center certified practitioner & teacher, using Energy Coaching as a healer of muscle aches AND mental pain. Call Linda at: (915) 613-2468 or email:
Brittany Watkins, Certified Energy Coach
Britt works with clients as a weight loss coach, and gives seminars and retreats using a variety of energy techniques to help her clients lose weight fast. Reach Britt at:
Ann Potts, BS, Certified Energy Coach & Results Coaching Lifecoach
Ann specializes in helping you live aligned to your values and passions, with a focus on supporting women caring for the elderly. Write Ann at for support in taking care of you.
Carol Murphy, LPN, LMT, Reiki Master, Certified Energy Coach
Carol is an LPN & licensed massage therapist serving geriatric clients as a bodyworker. She uses Energy Coaching to tap into the deep wisdom of body, mind and spirit. Contact Carol at:
Carol Sanderell, M.Ed, Certified Energy Coach
Carol is an Energy Coach and tutor for students in grades 1-5, and specializes in the Energy Vitality Technique using Solfeggio tuning forks. You can contact Carol at
C. J. Arnaudo, Certified Energy Coach & CEC Program Co-Facilitator
CJ is a graduate of The Certified Energy Coach Program and a whole lot more. Versed in NLP, TFT, EFT and many other techniques, CJ is an old freedom fighter from way back, having a history in the sociology of mass movements student activism in the 60’s. Contact CJ at:
Jane Hankinson, Change Evangelist & Certified Energy Coach
Jane is passionate about inspiring executives and business leaders to awaken their innate talents to exceed their performance potential. Call (UK) +44 020 8144 0481 or email:
Kristen Arneberg, JD, Certified Energy Coach, EFT-ADV
Kristen is an attorney, and owner of The Advancement Center. She specializes in Executive and Entrepreneurial Coaching and resolving creative blockages. Visit: or call: 510-316-5522.
Lois Weber, BS, LMT, Reiki Master, Certified Energy Coach
With a passion for health and joyful living, Lois assists others in exploring healing pathways. She offers compassionate encouragement for creating your heart’s desires and can be reached at:
Margaret Bell, Certified Energy Coach
Margaret has been Transformation Coaching since 1988, and helps her clients create the experiences of life which they want using systematic kinesiology and others. Write Margaret at
Maya Lalosh, BS, Certified Energy Coach
Maya is an Energy Coach and Reiki Practitioner who specializes in holistic treatment of health issues, including recovery from injury and chronic illness. Visit Maya at:
Sabrina Reich, BSc, Certified Energy Coach
Sabrina is a Certified NLP practitioner & business coach. EFT Tapping is her favorite method and she uses it to help people all over the world with public speaking anxiety. Contact Sabrina:, visit:
Elizabeth Austin, RN, Certified Co-Active Coach, Certified Energy Coach
Personal Coaching for Visionaries and Solo Artists who are ready to design their outer lives to more clearly reflect their inner life purpose. Call Elizabeth at 541-482-4132. Or connect online:
Eugene Walter, Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Energy Coach
Certified in Therapeutic Massage and an avid stock trader, Eugene specializes in health and wellness coaching and also in financial trading coaching. Contact Eugene at:
Jane Berrigan, NCTMB, C-EFT, C-TAT, C-ZPoint, Certified Energy Coach
Certified in Therapeutic Massage, ZPoint and TAT. Jane’s goal is to bring the body, mind and spirit into balance and allow their energy to Flow joyously. Call Jane at: 973-783-7411 or connect at:
Liz Lermitte, EFT, Allergy Elimination, Certified Energy Coach
Liz specializes in emotional allergy elimination & coaching clients by aligning their subconscious programming with their conscious desires. Call Liz at 519-342-5617 or visit:
C. J. Arnaudo, MS, Certified Energy Coach & CEC Co-Facilitator
CJ Arnaudo has a background in coaching, education, and psychotherapy. She has been involved with energy techniques for over 20 years. Contact CJ for a complimentary Energy Coaching consultation at:
Nancy Gould, Certified Energy Coach
Nancy studied holistic health and healing, counseling and education. She learned about running energy in her teens and has been developing ways to integrate body, mind and spirit ever since. Email her at:
Roseann Heinrich, Accredited T’ai Chi Chih Instructor, Certified Energy Coach
Specializing in Activating, Circulating and Balancing Energy to heal your life and achieve prosperity. Roseann provides an all-around approach to a high energy way of life. Call: 440-888-2803 or visit:
John Hurd, M.NLP, EFT-CC, Certified Energy Coach
John is a Certified Life Coach who is excited to be assisting people on their path to comfort, ease and freedom in life and relationships. Working with people who work on the land, John is here to help you be more effective and enjoy your life. Email John at
Sandy Kumskov, EFT-ADV, Certified Energy Coach
Sandy trained as a Holistic Counsellor, and is currently a Life Coach using energy coaching techniques to give her clients relief of limiting beliefs and personal issues. She has also studied NLP and is learning Tai Chi. Reach Sandy at:
Jan Mooney, Certified Energy Coach
A board member for the Angel House Center for the Arts and Creative Life Changes and teacher of energy therapies, Jan is dedicated to your success, health, and happiness. Contact Jan at:
Andrea Amador, M.NLP, Certified Energy Coach
Andrea’s passion is coaching and she works specifically with women saying “I inspire women to live juicy!”. Call Andrea at : 845-371-0115. Email or visit:
Betsy B. Muller, MBA, Certified Energy Coach & CEC Co-Facilitator
A practical approach to greater prosperity, joy and balance for women through coaching, inspiration and seminars. Call Betsy: 440-238-4731 Email: or vist:
Cristofir Aven, BS, Certified Energy Coach & CEC Co-Facilitator
Specializing in achieving success and prosperity, weight loss, sports issues and peak performance. Call Cristofir at 510-278-4941, email her at: or vist:
Erica Greenwood, BS, Certified Colorpuncture Practitioner, Certified Energy Coach
Erica works with clients to help them improve their health, self-image and life balance. She specializes in Energy Meridian Therapies including Acutonics, Colorpuncture and EFT in her coaching practice. Call Erica: 316-788-1800 or visit:
Jane Holmes PhD, Psychotherapist & Certified Energy Coach
With a professional practice in Psychotherapy and Energy Coaching, Jane helped her clients create lives they wanted but just didn’t know how to get yet. A valued member of our Energy Coach community, Jane passed away on March 19, 2018. You can read a beautiful celebration of her life and professional practice here.
Lori Volano, Certified Life Coach, Certified Energy Coach
Lori is a Certified Life Coach and an energy medicine practitioner blending those two paths with Energy Coaching in her business, Angel’s Voice. Call Lori at:(850) 962-7805, email:, visit:
Marina Grgic, BS, Integrative Energy Healer, Certified Energy Coach
Marina is involved in Energy Coaching to bring her own Authentic Self to light and assist other people in doing the same. Skype Marina at “Choleh”, Call (Zagreb, Croatia): 385 1 3837995 or Email:
Mary Ann Michels, CHT, EFT-CC, Certified Energy Coach
Certified in EFT and also as a hypnotherapist, Mary Ann brings a wealth of healing and changework to her coaching. Call Mary Ann at: 530-823-0191 or email:
Nina Price, L.Ac, CPCC, NCTMB (Massage), Certified Energy Coach & CEC Co-Facilitator
Incorporating acupuncture and craniosacral massage with acupressure and coaching in working with people in relationship difficulties and all forms of transition. Call 650-493-0354, Email:, Visit:
Padma Desai, LPC, LMHC, NCC, Certified Energy Coach & CEC Co-Facilitator
Padma specializes in providing therapy for therapists, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. It is her greatest joy to watch empowerment and transition in her clients and helping them overcome problems. Call Padma at: 973-214-8094.
Rebecca Daniels, MSW (Clinical Psychology), Certified Energy Coach
In private practice as a psychotherapist, Rebecca works holistically with groups as well as individuals, both in person as well as on the phone. Call Rebecca at: 561-866-3034, or email:
Salma Shamy, CHT, Certified Life Coach, Certified Energy Coach
Salma practices as an Energy Coach, incorporating all her tools from hypnotherapy, as a teacher and a healing practitioner for the highest good of her clients. Call Salma at: 201-788-7870 or email:
Rev. Carolyn Claiborne, M.A., Certified Energy Coach
Transform your life now by partnering with Rev. Carolyn, a Spiritual Midwife and give birth to your magnificence. Call Rev. Carolyn at 423-257-6400, email: or visit:
Carra Vaughn-Irwin, Psych Nurse, CPCC, Certified Energy Coach
Explore, appreciate and utilize your gifts! Call Carra for a complimentary consultation at: 650-363-2256, email: carra@spiritcatcher or visit her website at:
Mary Bonnet, M.Ed, CHt, EFT-ADV, Certified Energy Coach
For twenty years, Mary helped her clients take control of their lives by tapping into their potential for holistic wellness and personal growth. Mary passed away on May 12, 2016, but she can still be heard in a beautiful session in our Module One Intro to Energy Coaching, a clip of which is on our home page here under “A Student’s Amazing Experience of Energy Coaching”. Her memorial page can be seen here.
Kathleen Sheps, Certified Energy Coach
EFT not working or only slowly? Clear energy toxins, “allergies”, hear your body’s messages and speed up your healing with Kathleen! Call her at: 303-448-1939, email:, visit at
Jennifer T. Grainger, B.Msc, Certified Energy Coach
Self-discovery Coach Jennifer Grainger provides you with support while you consciously create your life. Call Jennifer at: 209-369-6188, email:, visit:
Lisa Saubolle, CCHT, Certified Energy Coach, CEC Co-Facilitator
Lisa was a bodymind expert in several different methods of Energy Therapy and helped hundreds of clients. She was the very first CEC Co-Facilitator in 2002, and helped shape much of the programming other students enjoyed and came to depend on. Without Lisa, the CEC would never have happened. She passed away on November 27, 2012, and is sorely missed.
Martha Mayo, LMT, Certified Energy Coach, CEC Co-Facilitator
Private Practice specializing in clearing congested, painful physical and spiritual issues. Martha is not only an Energy Coach but is one of two early Co-Facilitators to help shape both CEC curriculum and experience. Call Martha for Energy Coaching consultation at: 423-542-6644, or email:
Natalie Goldfein, Certified Energy Coach
Partnering with you in creating a life that reflects your passions – Live it now…you can! Call Natalie at: 773-973-0494, email:, visit:
Pat Johnson, Reiki Master-Teacher, Certified Energy Coach
Learn to tap into your innate ability to help yourself heal. Energy Coaching and Reiki Healing/Teaching. Call Pat for a complimentary consultation at: 423-913-9291, or email: