Attention Transformational Leaders,
Helping Professionals, Coaches,
Managers, Trainers & Team Leads:
Now You Can Light a Fire Under Your Private Clients.
Or Anyone In Your Organization Quickly and Easily:
- Without Therapy
- Without Threats
- Without HR or EAP Intervention
Simply by Harnessing the Power of Energy Coaching
- The weakest links will get stronger.
- The team dynamics will get tighter.
- Sick days reduce and burnout becomes a rarity.
- The business will become more efficient, productive and profitable..
All this happens thanks to the advent of a groundbreaking method that’s taking the corporate and coaching worlds by storm.
Listen to an interview with Program Director Maryam Webster, featuring a montage of CEC Graduates speaking about their experience of the Program:
If you’re a cutting-edge Performance Coach…
As someone who is always looking for new ways to motivate and inspire those around you, you should be aware of a process that can literally transform people’s attitudes and work ethics overnight.
I know that sounds hard to believe, but bear with me because it will be worth it.
How many times have you had a conflict within your teams or your workplace, and you’ve had to go through the usual management playbook to resolve it?
Now the problem with the playbook is that all the employees already know the drill. There’s the discipline, the conflict resolution, the EAP or HR involvement, the one-on-ones and the heart-to-hearts, ad nauseum.
I mean, this playbook has been around for over 50 years, right? No one has come up with any new ways—I mean REALLY new ways — to motivate, inspire and adjust attitudes since Dale Carnegie.
Until now…
Announcing the Arrival of
Energy Coaching Into the Workplace
This is, quite frankly, the manager’s new Secret Weapon.
And very, very few professionals have a toolkit packed full of cutting-edge processes that you can use to train your employees, trainers and team members how to empower themselves and take charge of their lives in a way they never knew existed.
This NINE WEEK, 24 hour Program teaches Managers, Trainers, Coaches, Team Leaders and other professionals how to QUANTUM LEAP their employees and clients light years forward in
their personal development, performance and effectiveness.
Listen to CEC Graduate and Program Facilitator Betsy Muller’s testimonial on the thoroughness of the material covered:
Once you possess the skills, you’ll be able to pass them on to those around you so they can begin to apply these skills to themselves and others.
Everyone in your organization will fall in love with the elegant swiftness and thoroughness an Energy Coach enjoys in their work, as they improve the lives of those around them on a daily basis. And empowered employees and clients are more highly functioning, motivated and grateful.
But This Is Just the Beginning…
Once Energy Coaching is introduced into your work environment, you’ll GREATLY EXPAND your Range of Possibilities…
You’ll actually have the power to GO FURTHER and transform people’s moods and attitudes in the middle of the day.
You’ll be able to empower your employees and clients with practical, real-world tools to succeed – much faster than ever before. This isn’t hocus pocus stuff here, this involves the harnessing of actual human energy. The kind that controls everything you say, think and do, only now you can turn the tables and have this vast well of untapped energy start working for you and your organization.
Your expertise as an Energy Coach can put you deeper into an employee’s issues than they ever could with HR, therapy, group hugs or anything else. So things get handled in record time. No grudges, no axes to grind, no office gossip, nothing. Just solved issues and diffused conflicts, over and over again.
PLUS: You’ll get your OWN ISSUES dealt with in each and every class.
Just listen to Lindsay Kenny, founder of the National Association For Emotional Health at, in her experience in the first day of training:
Time And Space Are No Barrier
Our Student body spans the globe. This Program is delivered through Zoom webinar & telephone conference line and our special “Online University” learning environment. Our exclusive Manual, extensive supplementary materials, mastermind groups, expert calls and tutorial with technique creators, live learning labs built-in coaching buddies and supervised coaching practicum offer immense value NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE.
You’ll learn “at the speed of thought” to:
- BUST Blockages
- STOMP Gremlins
- SLAY the Dragons of the “Inner Saboteur”
- Eliminate Symptoms & Physical Discomforts
Professional Development
This abundance of resources provide a well-rounded education, community and support network without ever leaving the comfort of your home or office. Friendships as well as professional working partnerships are formed during the Program that will continue to provide value to your life and business long after your initial participation.
Listen to a Coaching Client’s experience of Energy Coaching:
During the course of the Program, participants are treated to HOURS of BONUS EXPERT CALLS with Energy Therapy Industry Leaders like Grant Connolly, creator of ZPoint Process, Gloria Arenson, past President of the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology, Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake of EFT Downunder, Dr. Charles Schmitz and Dr. Liz Schmitz, “Marriage Doctors” from the University of Missouri at St. Louis’s psychology department, Stever Robbins, Harvard MBA and Business Coach, Krishna De, Corporate Branding expert, and a variety of top speakers from the Life and Business Coaching and Energy Psychology industries.
Our audio interview library as well holds priceless gems from leaders in the field and is available to students 24/7, in our comprehensive online eCampus.
Each participant also receives coaching throughout the program with instructors on their progress in the Program and fine-tuning the Energy Coaching they do in their business.
Our ongoing research and developmental sharing circles continue our collaborative learning process and strengthen our community. There’s always an opportunity to partcipate, be supported, to learn and grow.
The Certification
Those completing the CEC Program’s training objectives and a personal interview will be Certified as Energy Coaches with emphasis on Professional Procedures & Practices. Successful graduates are listed in our: